Hold On
by AG Silver
Released in 2012. 12 Tracks. Download the whole album on iTunes.
AG Silver
AG Silver
AG Silver
AG Silver
AG Silver
AG Silver
AG Silver
AG Silver
AG Silver
AG Silver
AG Silver
AG Silver
AG Silver/MC3PO

Love Keeps No Score (2008)
by AG Silver
Released in 2008. 5 song EP. Now or Never was a radio single played on hundreds of stations across the US. Download the album on iTunes.
AG Silver
AG Silver
AG Silver
AG Silver
AG Silver

Wake Up and Smell Reality
by AG Silver
Released in 2006. Featuring 13 tracks that would be the foundation of our first national tour. Download the album on iTunes.
Ag Silver
Ag Silver
Ag Silver
Ag Silver
Ag Silver
Ag Silver
Ag Silver
Ag Silver
Ag Silver
Ag Silver
Ag Silver
Ag Silver
Ag Silver
by AG Silver
Songs that have not appeared on an album release.
AG Silver